Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Operation Vacation Weight

Pre-Vacation Weight: 189.8
1st Day Back Weight: 194.8
Today's Weight: 193
Weight Lost: 1.8

I think that must be the water weight....although, I'm still having trouble getting back on my schedule.

All of the junk food is mostly gone from the house now excpet for a giant bag of snack sized chips. And I found a piece of raspberry fudge in the fridge. You should be proud of me...I didn't eat the whole piece. Just took a few little bites.

My sister has moved back in (yes, she moved out for two months) and she brought her pop tarts and Dr. Pepper (and her dogs) with her. Her stay is supposed to be short so I'm hoping that her habits and food won't rub off on me.

She recently had LIPO so I'm hoping she wants to start eating better. We'll see.

I'm trying very hard to control my stress eating. While on vacation NASA (through Obama) pulled an underhanded stunt which will likely result in my husband being laid off this week. If by some miracle they decide to hold on...we have until September.

I knew the job would be coming to an end by September but the prospect of losing our income this week has left us scrambling.

As of yesterday...we decided to start the decluttering and packing to move project. So far, this is keeping me too busy to spend much time in the pantry.


  1. Stress eating has always been one of my bugaboos. For me, exercise has become my go-to stress reliever of choice. When I get in a good sweat, I feel better, sleep better and stress doesn't get the strangehold on me that it used to.

    Kudos on cutting into those vacation pounds and good luck with hubby's job.

  2. Stress eating is hard to curtail. Hope you can get some exercise in to burn off some of the worry. I'll be praying for you!

  3. Oh Connie, I'm so sorry to hear that he may lose his job this week! I'll say a little prayer for you all and hope that it is saved for at least as long as it will take him to find a new job.

    Good job not eating all of the fudge!

  4. Im so sorry to hear about the hubs job...praying it can hang on until September to give you more time.

    I am a major stress eater too...and I sit there knowing that Im eating out of stress and not out of anger and then it makes me mad!

  5. Hold on Conny don't let the stress lead you into eating unhealthy.

    That's stressful news about your husband job, I hope he'll get till September to find a new job.

  6. It's so easy for me to say, "hang in there", but that honestly does not convey how much I hope everything works out in your favor.

  7. Hope you can keep busy....I hate that you have so much uncertainty right now!


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