Thursday, February 3, 2011

Going Veganish

Did you watch Oprah on Tuesday?  She and her staff took a 7 day Vegan challenge.  I was really interested in what Kathy Freston (author of Veganist) had to say because the woman is beautiful and has the body that I want.

I watched the program and thought there could be some merit to eating this way.  I don't think I could ever be a Full Time Vegan...but I think I could be Veganish.  I was encouraged by the stories of the Harpo staff that said they felt better and had more energy.

I want to feel better and have more energy.

I talked to my husband about the show and I already knew he was going to fight me.  I suggested Meatless Monday and he said NO.  Later when I joked with him on iChat about going Vegan...this was his response to me.

We are designed by our creator to eat all kinds of food. We were given brains to determine what we can eat based on our environment. If we have so many choices, we also have free will and self discipline to regulate what we eat and don't eat.

Why does he have to be so difficult?

Anyway...I'm going to experiment with a couple recipes and will serve him some kind of meat with his so he doesn't know I'm tricking him.

I've been having some success with my detox and I'm excited to tell you about it tomorrow.


  1. Hopefully your hubby will come around. Watch Food Inc. Regardless, even going veganish is great!! I am excited to hear about your detox progress!!

  2. I think any time we become more aware about what we put in our mouths its a good thing. Good Luck keeping the hubby happy.

  3. We had a meatless meal tonight. It wasn't vegan, but it was good. Ravioli Florentine with cheese ravioli and spinach.

  4. I was vegetarian for over 10 years and 3 short months of that time I was vegan. I consider my diet to be flexitarian, which means we eat meatless a few times a week. I'm not a huge fan of fatty/grizzle filled meats so that makes lean turkey or chicken my main go-to's.

    If you want to talk about the best alternatives to get iKeith to try, I'd love to talk to you. You aren't going to make him warm up to most meat substitutes or a plate of tofu very easily. Things like tofu can turn into mush fast. I highly recommend pre-baked tofu, it's very firm and comes flavored, we eat it in many things like sandwiches, home made egg rolls, etc.

    I think Meatless Mondays is a great start.

  5. I'm doing the same thing. Sarah's holistic nutritionist is recommending vegan (she's already allergic to egg). We're trying to beat the asthma and get off the daily steroids, so it's worth a shot. We don't eat processed soy, so we are really more flexitarian also. So hubby gets meat on the side (when he is here) and kids can eat it if they want, but they usually don't.


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