Thursday, April 28, 2011

Keith and Connie: 20 Years Younger

Did you watch Oprah yesterday?

What am I going to do without this show?  I'm going to be like a lost puppy.

20 minutes into the show....I bought Bob Greene's Book, 20 Years Younger because I've been feeling and looking old lately.  I don't know if it's the stress of raising kid's or if Utah just wasn't very good to me...but I'm not doing so great.

I need a plan.  

Bob's plan is centered around what he calls the four pillars: Exercise, nutrition, skin care and sleep.

I'm deficient in all of these areas.  Bob says that exercise is non-negotiable.  I tend to agree with him....but haven't been walking the walk.  Pun intended.

Bob also believes in Super Foods and 1700 calories a day with a plate that is half fruit and veggies.  He wants me to eat Brussels Sprouts and Seaweed.  And this is NOT a diet.

I couldn't wait for my husband to get home so I could tell him what I was about to do.  My plan was to talk it up so well that when I asked him if he wanted to do it with me....he'd have to agree.

He rolled his eyes....until I reminded him that his 30 year high school reunion is only 93 days away.

He changed his tune.

We're going to do this together!  YAY! 

I'm quickly reading the book and we're starting on Sunday.  May 1st.  

We'll be weighing in....and then putting the scale away for 30 days. 

Wish us luck!


  1. Good luck! I love food way too much. And I've been looking old too. I'm getting . . . wrinkly :( I don't feel like doing much exercise-wise these days, but I'm hoping to be more motivated once the baby is here :)

  2. Good luck! I can't wait to hear how it goes.

  3. Haha, smart lady! Good luck to you and your hunnie.

  4. I'll have to check this book out. 1700 calories a day seems so small though - have you felt hungry??

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