Thursday, September 1, 2011

Take That TOM!

Starting Weight: 208
September 1st:   207.4
LOSS:                    .6
Total Paleo Loss:  6.1 pounds

My scale broke the day after my last weigh in....on August 18th.   And then a week later....TOM snuck up on me.  It is so crazy to me since starting the Paleo plan that my PMS and hormonal migraines have completely disappeared.

I was without a scale that whole week and kept eating my yummy Paleo food.  I had no idea if I'd gained any weight...but a few days after TOM clothes felt looser!  I couldn't believe it!

I was really fine with not having a scale.  But my husband was going crazy not being able to weigh himself. Looks like he's a bigger slave to that thing than I am!

He bought a new battery for our scale and I was thrilled to see that I had not gained a single pound!  Then this week...I lost .6 pounds.

I even cheated and ate TACO's this week!

I'll be weighing in on Thursday's from now on.


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