Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Coffee...I Can't Quit You.

I should know better.

I've tried many times before to quit drinking coffee and I can't do it. 

Yesterday was HELL!  I had a headache, I was cranky, I ate two pop tarts and I burned dinner.  I woke up this morning feeling like I had the flu and I waited until the last possible moment to get out of bed because I had nothing to live for look forward to. 

I just brewed a pot of coffee.

Several people (thanks Barb) have expressed concern that I was going cold Turkey and stopping everything at once.  That's probably not the best idea...especially during the holidays.

What i AM going to do....is:

COFFEE ~ Cut back on the amount of coffee I drink.  I normally drink 6 cups.  I'm going to cut back to 3 cups over the next month.

DIET COKE ~ Cut back on the amount of Diet Coke I drink.  I normally drink one-two a day.  I'm going to pour half a can in my glass and throw the rest away.  NO MORE $1 GIANT CUPS from Mc Donalds.

WINE~ Cut back on the amount of WINE I drink.  Ideally, I'd like to drink wine one day a week.  Perhaps on Friday or Saturday.  Right now, I have a couple glasses of red wine a couple times a week and sometimes a martini too.  This has increased significantly since moving back to Denver....and seeing my in laws frequently.  They are moving at the end of next month.


  1. Soda is hard to kick I have the same issue but with ***Dr. Pepper*** I have semi--replaced it with Sweet Tea, not much better but a start. This is the craziest time of year to start new things. Hang in there!

  2. Ohhhh quitting coffee is hard, I have done it...well I have cut it to 1 cup a day. I was getting lumps in my breasts from fluid I was drinking so much. the HCG diet got me off soda completely. Never tough it anymore. Good luck, but yeah do it slowly, cut out a cup a week, till your down or off.

  3. You can do it!!! Oh and you should really read The Primal Blueprint by Mark Sisson since you are reading diet books these days. Hint Hint...Nudge Nudge. ;)

  4. Ken and I just had a long talk about quitting something or saying NO to something you really enjoy and want. Don't do it. Setting limits are okay, but don't give something up that you really enjoy like coffee or diet coke! I tried giving up Diet Coke, but then I couldn't poop...I don't drink coffee, so the caffeine in Diet Coke was all I had and obviously my body needs it to work well. So I'm back to having one a day. NO big deal, zero WW points, and gosh darn it...I like it! ;)

  5. I think cold turkey isn't really your best plan...
    Good luck though, that's hard stuff!

  6. I agree with this plan completely. I was pretty worried about the whole cold turkey thing. I just don't think it is healthy.

  7. Good luck Connie!! You can do it!

    I feel the same way with DC -- I don't think I can give it up. I loooooove it too much. But cutting back is a great idea!

    I am excited to hear what you are goign to do to decorate your apartment so you can win your cool $300 bucks! I say lights, lots of lights!!


  8. I hardly ever drink coffee anymore, but for some reason last week when I was at my mom's I had a cup every day. Good luck cutting back. I don't generally have more than a couple pops a week. But I DO drink wine almost every night (although usually no more than a glass or two), and I really want to just stick to drinking on the weekends.


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