Thursday, September 2, 2010

Best Made Plans...

I haven't been on my walk at all this week.  I'm so frustrated!

The first couple nights...either I couldn't sleep or one of my children couldn't sleep and you know when you're a sleep when you can when you've been up for hours during the night.

I'm not good at being sleep deprived. 

Last night I finally remembered to take my sleeping pill and I woke up in time for my walk...and so did my daughter. 

I know my husband worked until the wee hours this morning so I can't ask him to get up. 

Oh well.

I guess the answer is that I need to get up much 5:30am.

How are  you doing with you goals this week?


  1. You'll get there. Just keep experimenting until you find your rhythm. I completed Week Four of the Couch to 5K training this morning and that's something I NEVER thought I'd do!
    Just keep pushing and *making yourself a priority*!!

  2. It was hard for me to get up early 5ish...but I did it as it was the only time I have time without kiddos and know hubby would be home when I wanted to go out! You can do it...As the post above said MAKE YOURSELF A PRIORITY" I have and have lost weight. You can do it!

  3. Thanks ladies!

    I do need to make myself a priority.

    I take care of everyone...but I get left in the dust!

  4. I hate mornings. There is no way I could get up early on purpose to exercise!

  5. It's OK- just don't make it a habit!!

    Sleep when you can and exercise daily. Just do something physical!


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