Friday, March 25, 2011

Day Nine: Operation: Piss Off My Neighbor

My downstairs neighbor.....keeps parking in my parking spot.

I like the spot right outside of my kitchen window because I can keep an eye things.  I drive a very expensive vehicle and I worry about people messing with it.  Sometimes...I don't leave the house because I don't want him to take my spot.

I found a sign at the mall but my husband wouldn't let me buy it.

Sometimes my husband just doesn't have a sense of humor!

We came home from having mexican food last night and Don was in my spot.  I lost it!!  I ran upstairs and I queued up a Jillian Michael's workout!  My husband and my son joined me and we shreded for 20 minutes!  We jumped around so much that our entertainment center was rocking back and forth!

I've had The Shred for over a year but I didn't do it after moving to our apartment out of respect for our downstairs neighbors. 

But all I have to say now is.....F@#K That! 

Operation: Piss off Don is in full effect!

Note: I don't recommend doing The Shred right after eating Mexican food. 


  1. Oh man, Shredding after Mexican - sounds very dangerous! Can't wait to hear more about this very important "operation"!

  2. Don't get me started on neighbor/parking situations. The last woman behind me was such a raging bitch, and she CONSTANTLY parked in my spot. Who do you think you are just moving in one day and taking MY spot. The spot I was parking in LONG before you moved in? I have the door furthest from the parking area, I should have the closest spot to the house!

    Then she left me a note once on my car that said, "PLEASE STOP PARKING SO CLOSE TO MY CAR, I'M GOING TO HIT YOUR CAR WITH MY DOOR"


    I started tallying up all the things she did to piss me off for rebuttle, but then suddenly she was gone.

    The Shred kicks my ass, and I always want to punch Jillian in the face, but I can't do it without her voiceovers because then I don't know what I'm doing. But since you're doing it, I will too. :)

  3. You are hysterical! I would say "Poor Don", however it sounds like he has it coming! :)


  4. HAHAHAH Your comment about shredding and mexican food made me laugh. More then it should have.

    Neighbors can be frustrating, so is unassigned parking. Good luck!

  5. You'll have a house with your very own parking again. Maybe not soon, but you will. Just keep that focus.

  6. Ugh-frustrating! Sounds like you are going to have a problem soon. Maybe your management can send a friendly reminder to all tenants about their assigned spots? Neighbor feuds sound no bueno!

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