Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Cutting Back

Once I get moved...we move on Friday.  I have to stop drinking alcohol and soda due to budget reasons.

I was going to start this week but realized that it's a bad idea.  Too much stress and worry.  Until then...I have cut back.  It's a start.

Know what else I've discovered?  Drinking water when you're hot HELPS? 


  1. LOTS AND LOTS OF WATER. That is the key! I think I drink between 60-80 ounces of water a day. And, I can always tell when I haven't had enough, because I just feel dry.

    I gave up soda back in February, and a month later, I was down 10lbs. Soda, even diet soda (I LOVE me some Diet Coke) isn't that great for you. And, drinking day is Friday. We have pizza, Hubs has a beer and I usually have a glass of wine. I still get a nice glass of wine and since I only drink it on Friday's, I have something to look forward to all week long.

    Hang in there - I am sure that as soon as things settle down, that you will get back on track.

  2. Moving is one of the most stressful things we can do.

    Yep, water, water, water - wish I could be saying that I have been glugging it down but alas it is winter here and the motivation to drink litres is just not there. Bad me.

    Thinking of you. Hang tough.


  3. It's not only a new start that you move but you can also make it a new start by eating/drinking healthier.

    I drink a lot of water when it's hot and yes it helps :)

  4. If you don't like to drink water add the crystal light packets. YUM, YUM! I usually drink 80oz a day...once a week I have a diet pop some sort (maybe). Good luck


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