Saturday, August 14, 2010

Eating with In Laws

I took the kids to Nana's Thursday because our AC hadn't been fixed yet and they were losing their minds from the heat. It also gave me an opportunity to get more boxes unpacked.

I fed them lunch before I dropped them off and let Nana know. And then she fed them the entire afternoon. Pizza, bologna sandwiches, chips, cookies and jello.

As you can imagine...they didn't want to eat the healthy dinner that I prepared.

While the kids were gone I finally found my scale and was able to start weighing myself again. It's not good.

197.8...I gained 4.8 pounds during the move. DANG IT!

I weighed the kids yesterday and they each gained a couple pounds too.

Did I tell you that my in laws invited us over for dinner last night? I was trying to steer them towards healthy grilled chicken. And salad or corn. They grilled the chicken...but dumped dones of sweet BBQ sauce on it. And they served grilled veggies but mixed them in a ton of oil (which I spilled on my shirt) and twice baked potatoes from the deli. My plate arrived with two rolls...but I only ate one. Who needs two rolls? I actually only ate half of everything on my plate...I was also the only one to do this.

See that beautiful piece of cake?  I only ate a third of it...and shared it with my daughter.  It was wonderful...but too sweet.  iKeith had TWO whole pieces.  I gave him the evil eye.....

And now...we're scheduled to go back on Sunday so my husband can smoke a Prime Rib...I've offered to bring the side dishes.  What should I make?


  1. Sounds like a big, healthy salad is in order!!

  2. Of course a salad - then how about some fruit too? I found a recipe one time where you make a lime juice and honey "dressing" for fruit salad that works great on berries and melons.

  3. Pasta salad with FF Italian dressing and lots of veggies and some cheese cubes. Yumm.

  4. Some pineapple to throw on the grill!

  5. I'd also go with a nice crisp salad. An idea with the pineapple, sprinkle with paprika before putting on the grill - yummy!!

    My MIL was (passed away) an Afrikaans lady - wow, do they cook. Everything is done with butter. Yummy food but no good for the waist or heart. I feel for you.

    Hope you had a great meal.


  6. Its hard when people arent understanding of your struggles!

  7. Those pictures make my tummy flip just looking at them and not in a good way. Good job for eating just half and avoiding the over-indulgence.

  8. It looks very high calorie indeed. Don't know if I would have liked it either.

    I would make a huge salad for Sunday.


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