I've been bad. I did my grocery shopping on Sunday and I ended up with all kinds of crap that I didn't need. M&M's, cookies and Doritos. And my weekend eating was really bad. We went to a southern BBQ place that was amazing and I ate myself into a food coma and we went to the movies Sunday and I ate a Philly Cheese Steak, fries and popcorn.
Sunday night....we didn't eat dinner. I had a glass of wine, cheese and crackers and really I couldn't have eaten more if I wanted to because WOW..I was full from the weekend.
And that is when I decided to punish myself and do the 30 Day Shred. You know the one, Jillian Michaels from The Biggest Loser's 30 Day Shred. I started yesterday and decided to take a before picture and when I downloaded it into my weight loss photo folder on my mac, I saw an old picture with the same pose and when I checked the date...it was exactly one year ago.
I hadn't looked at these old pictures for awhile and I was shocked. I think my fatarexia is finally gone because I used to look at that picture on the left and see the girl on the right. What a difference a year makes....
So back to business....Amanda wants to know:
How did you do on our first month of the journey? Were you able to stay on track with the 3 simple changes you chose in our first challenge? Are there adjustments that you can see you need to make in order to continue to be successful at winning this battle of losing weight?
I did poorly. Of course, i do have my excuses. Stress, dental work...life. But I'm going to try to do better or at least do some exercise to make up for some of my emotional eating.
As for The Shred....I know I won't make it 30 days because I have an appointment on Friday with the oral surgeon to set a date to have my wisdom teeth removed so it could just be the 15 day shred but I wanted to do something.
I honestly don't know how I'm going to make it to day 2 of this Shreding business because I can't lift my arms to get my coffee to my mouth. I may need a coffee IV.
Oh and by the way...still stuck at 187.6. No matter I eat my body is set at 187.6.