Saturday, August 25, 2012


Today is the day!

I get to eat like a normal person again.  Well....a normal person that can't eat sugar or starch. I'll be having bacon later.  Gosh I love bacon.

Here's the thing.  I'm scared to eat normally again.  I didn't meet my goal, but I got close.  I'm terrified of the scale going above the magic number (I'll reveal that number and my before and after pictures on Monday).

Maybe this fear will help keep me from putting the weight back on?  Or maybe this means I have more work to do.  Either way....I'm going into Phase 3 completely aware.

See you Monday!


  1. You can do it. Eat fatty meat and vegetables. Don't drink alcohol or you will gain during stabilization. If you're like me, you'll gain if you eat cheese, cream, drink wine, or eat more than one piece of fruit. It's tough but in a few weeks your body will accept the new weight range. A steak day will likely be necessary a couple of times as well due to TOM/ovulation.

    Enjoy that bacon!!!!

  2. From someone who has done hcg before, I know eating "normal" again is scary!!!! For me, I was scared to gain weight and I ended up eating very similar to how I ate on hcg, just bigger portions!
    Good Luck


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