Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Muffin Top to Skinny Jeans: 3 Things


I decided to join my friend Amanda from Family of Shorts in her quest to go from Muffin Top to Skinny Jeans. I don't expect to lose any weight right now...I'm still in Phase 3 of the hCG diet where I'm supposed to be maintaining my weight.

The thing is...I've been cheating a little bit. I had a Subway sandwich and some cereal and I haven't gained any weight. I'm eating carbs in moderation. Which is my life long plan.

Amanda wanted me to come up with 3 small things to change to start my weight loss. She is doing something crazy like NO MORE COFFEE CREAMER. You will never see me doing that again...remember that one time when I tried to quit half and half? It wasn't pretty. Here are my 3 things.

1. Serve salad with dinner. I made my kids a salad the other night. Chopped romaine lettuce, chopped tomato and a little bit of avocado. They loved it! This will help us all get our veggies in and I want them to become familiar with salads and to like them.

2. Stop buying MandM's. I have this bad habit of picking up a package (or two) of MandM's in the checkout at the grocery store and then eating the whole package.....I don't need this.

3. No More White Bread and Pasta.  I'm making a vow to only buy WHEAT bread and pasta and to make sure that they do not contain High Fructose Corn Syrup.

See what everyone else is doing to change their life this week!


  1. That's awesome that you've already been able to lose so much weight! I look forward to getting to know you better through this experience. Heaven knows, I can use all the help I can get!

  2. I made the switch to only wheat pasta (already only ate wheat bread) about a year ago and now I actually prefer it over regular pasta! I love it!

  3. Great goals, Connie! You are off to a good start. I would be happy to be in your shoes right now...

  4. Oh Tina...You going to be in my pants pretty shoes all still fit me.


  5. You will love the wheat pasta and bread. We made the switch a couple years ago and actually prefer it. It is so yummy once you get use to it. I am so bad at M and M's also! Have a great week,

  6. Ain't no good can come from the checkout aisle. If I owned a grocery store, I'd have at least one lane where there was nothing but health/fitness related items. I wonder how that would do...

  7. Impressive. What are MandM?

    I realize, I've never let anyone support me in my fitness goals. It's anew day.

  8. The pasta switch is can be one of the easiest. We made the switch last year and love it (we eat a lot of pasta). My friend recommended one that comes in a purple box (I don't know the name). Her husband is super picky and didn't even notice.

  9. Those are all great ideas! For another way to get even more veggies into your family, have you tried green smoothies? My kids *love* them (even the one that hasn't voluntarily eaten a veggie since he was 11 months old). I use a good combo of our favorite fruits (pineapple & banana is a good one, or mixed berries, etc...) and some spinach (or other mild greens) and throw them in a blender with some water or 100% fruit juice and blend away. We drink them everyday and my blood pressure has gone from the higher side of normal to 104/70. Its a good thing :)

  10. I know my daughter would drink a green smoothie!

  11. Great goals and totally manageable!

    Good luck Conny!

  12. I just don't think I could do no more white bread and pasta... UGH just thr thought is torture. Good for you!

  13. Those are some great changes - it is so easy to just grab candy at the check stand. It's easier for me if my kids are with me because I say "we don't buy stuff at the checkout". So don't tell them I had a snickers yesterday - bought at the checkout! :)

  14. I've started my diet. I'm trying the Atkins diet again because I was so successful with it. Are you saying you cannot have 1/2 and 1/2 on yours?

  15. @bluecottonmemory...I tried to quit half and half in phase 2 of my hcg diet to see if it would help my weight loss. But I couldn't do it.


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