Today's email was about Motivation. We all know that I'm in desperate need of motivation and I'm struggling to get back on my track. At this point I can't even SEE the track. But I'm looking for it.
I talked last week about a couple things that I have to look forward to that should be motivating me to get my butt moving. Oprah just gave me a couple more things.
Exercising wards off Alzheimers.
This is an important one for me because if I lose my cognitive skills my husband is in really big trouble. This poor man as the memory of an gnat and I am constant having to remind him or things and find his stuff.Exercising boosts your energy.
Again, I need more of THAT! I have Irish Twins (2 kids born in the same year) that are 2 and 3 and they run me ragged! I'm often so tired that I just let them do what they want because I'm too tired to stop them.Exercising slows aging.
Not only do I feel old right now...I look older too. 10 years ago people were mistaking me for a 20 year old. Now I completely look my age and it's started to trouble me. And my recent skin cancer diagnose doesn't help. I want to look younger! Also learned a tip from The Real Housewives of Atlanta. Vaseline. On your face. No wrinkles!Exercising helps manage menopause!
This is one of the reasons that I started all of this working out business. I know it's coming. THE CHANGE! I'm already getting the hot flashes and hormone swings. Once my metabolism shuts down...I'm screwed! I have to get this all under control before the big M hits.....Exercising reduces the need for drug treatment.
This is a pet peeve of mine. I hate how doctors always want to throw DRUGS at a problem. My husband is a hypochondriac and at one time he was one 3 different drugs for things that I didn't really think were a problem he couldn't solve with some exercise and healthy food choices. And guess what? I was right. He is no longer on, they made him feel like shit! When I have an issue...I always try an herb remedy first.
I'm challenging myself to stay under 15g of sugar today! I'm got my handy Lose It iPhone App out and planning my meals for the day. I hope I can do it!