I've been heavy for a long time. I started putting on weight around my 17th Birthday (more about that another day) and with each broken marriage....it just got worse. When I left my second husband...I weighed 245 pounds. My heaviest!
I left him and my old life, moved to Denver and joined 24 Hour Fitness. In a few short months, I lost 25 pounds and fell in love with being active! Over two years time....I got down to 184 pounds. My lightest in 12 years.
Then I started dating again. When I met my current (and last) husband...I was down to 198 pounds, after getting back up to 206. I had just started running and watching what I ate when he came into my life. I managed to keep my weight down until I suffered a miscarriage and fed my grief with food.
When I got pregnant with Alex...I weighed 220 pounds.
I got pregnant in July 2005 and I didn't really have morning sickness...I just didn't feel like eating. I didn't want sweets at all and I really didn't want soda. I craved French Dip Sandwiches and Fries. Wendy's Fries.
In the first 8 weeks, I lost 8 pounds. And I began to notice that my face was thinning out.
September 2005
December 2005
February 2006
April 20, 2006
3 weeks after I gave birth, I weighed 202 pounds! I jokingly told my husband that being pregnant was the best diet I've ever been on! Not only did I come out of it weighing 18 pounds less than when I started but I felt great the whole time.
It's possible that's why I found myself pregnant again a few weeks later. I'm a weight loss junkie! 3 weeks after having Mallory....I weighed 202. And I looked pretty good.
The weight has crept back on over the last 2.5 years. My recent high was 218 at the beginning of the year. Losing weight is really difficult for me and I always having trouble with my knees because there is too much weight on them.
A few weeks ago, Bobbi came home and said the doctor she works for is going to start offering this new diet program called The hCG Diet. My ears perked up because that is the diet I've had the most sucess with! LOL!
I asked her to talk to him about letting me be a patient and blogging about my success. He agreed! So...in a few weeks when they are ready to get started.....I will be going on the hCG Diet.
A little info:
The hCG weight loss protocol consists of a very low calorie diet (VLCD) accompanied by treatments of hCG, rather oral or injected. The average hCG dieter experiences rapid weight loss averaging 1 to 3 pounds per day. In addition to loss of unwanted fat, the true benefit of the hCG protocol is its ability to help modify the dieter's relationship with food and eating, resulting in easily maintained, long-term weight loss.
hCG stands for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, a hormone present in both men and women, but which is produced in great amounts in pregnant females. During pregnancy, the substance almost completely controls the woman's metabolic functions. In non-pregnant persons, research suggests hCG similarly increases the metabolism similar to a pregnant female. Thousands of calories in stored fat are released, and are used by the body or expelled.
Info from hcgdietinfo.com