Wednesday, November 4, 2009

I Survived Halloween!

All morning....I've know I was forgetting something.  It just occurred to me that I weighed in this morning.  LOL!

Last week: 206 pounds
This week: 205 pounds
LOST: 1 pound

WOOT!   I'm amazed...because of the CANDY situation.  But I was sick over the weekend and didn't eat much.  I get my stitches out again today and then I'm planning to get back on the working out wagon.

You want to know what really motivated me?  Seeing TRACEY all skinny last night on The Biggest Loser.  WOW...what a transformation.  If she can do it....then so can I, right?

I didn't end up joining the gym.  I really wanted to...but I just couldn't find the money in my budget right now.  Maybe in the spring I can revisit that idea.  It did give me a lot to think about and I was remembering the first time I joined a gym and what a positive experience it was for me.  I'm hoping to blog about it later this week.

Until then....have a great week and come back FRIDAY to see what my motivation for the weekend will be.


  1. I survived Halloween too! Congrats on the loss this week. I also don't have the $$ for a gym. I've made this best out of it by dusting off my Turbo Jam videos and giving it my all in the basement. It's working so far!

  2. Good for you! I admit I haven't gotten on the scale because my clothes are already sayin' it! "You're up a few lbs. darlin, better get your rear in gear" :)

    xoxo ~Lisa

  3. Great result Connie! This must have felt good!

    Even though you're not going to the gym you will exercise I hope?

    Keep it up, you're back on track!

  4. Woohoooo!! I say whatever works. Halloween candy is the enemy!

  5. I wish I could join the gym, too. I may ask for that for Christmas. Way to go, losing a pound!

  6. Congrats on that pound. That wasn't an easy thing to do on Halloween. :)

    There are so many ways to workout without the gym. I hope you find some that work for you..

  7. Good job Connie! One pound over Halloween is amazing. I think I've eaten about 3 pounds of chocolate since Saturday. I think it is going to magically disappear very soon!

    Great work!



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