Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Puddles, Runners and Rats...Oh MY!

I walked in the rain this morning.  I got up, put on my shoes and didn't realize it was raining.  Luckily...I wear a hoodie when I walk so I could cover my head and stash my phone in my pocket.

I was all alone except for this runner guy who was milling about over by Starbucks where the dirt part of the path begins....I walked a short way dodging puddles when he came running past me like a Cullen chasing Victoria and scared the sh*t out of me.  Now I understand why Bella always has that look on her face...it's because the Cullen's scare the poo out of her and she's standing there with dodee pants.

Anyway...I decided that I could not walk in the mud so I turned around and went pack to the paved part of the path and right in front of Starbucks....

A giant black RAT ran across the path!  It scared the crap out of me and I was frozen....and being gawked at by folks in the Starbucks drive thru...so this is when I decided to RUN!!!

I just looked up what it means when a RAT crosses your path and this is what it says.

A rat running in front of you means treacherous servants and losses through enemies.
Thank goodness I just moved into a 990 sq ft apartment and cut all my servants and enemies loose! What the heck does that mean anyway?

So...I ended up walking 1.85 miles and looking a little bit like a drowned rat...


  1. You're too funny Connie, love the comparison to Bella and the Cullens :lol:

    Good for you that you decided to go for that walk even though it rained; that's the spirit.

  2. Rats, mud, and vampire like runners oh my! :)

  3. But you did it and that's what matters.

  4. At least you did it! But I would have literally crapped my pants with the rat running in front of me

  5. Good job for getting out in the rain! So proud of you! Rats scare the bejeezus out of me too, I hate when I see them!


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