Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Week Eight....Routines

Welcome to the Eighth (completed) week of Extreme Makeover: ME Edition hosted by the incredible Amber Filkins!

Let's weigh-in...

Last week: 210 pounds
This week: 210 pounds

LOST..... O pounds

What the heck???? ZERO. I've worked so hard.....

The Plan from Last Week:

I'm loving Amber's challenge! I have exercised every week day! Still exercising while the kids play....some days for longer than others but I'm moving! Still drinking more water and much less soda. Brewing iced tea to have in the fridge as a alternative is working out great! I am getting more sleep which is helping my workouts. I went to bed really late the other night...after sobbing watching Grey's Anatomy and it was a struggle to get through my work out the next day. Sleep is a crucial ingredient! I ate fast food. *hangs head in shame* It was horribly deep fried fish too. With Tarter sauce and deep fried English chips. I felt terrible after eating stomach hurt and I was pissed at myself.

I looked into the Gluten Free lifestyle...because I thought I had a problem with Gluten but I'm not sure that's my problem at all. Ever so often (a couple times a week) I get stomach craps from something I've eaten. I can not figure out what is causing it. I went one whole day without eating Gluten and felt pretty good....but it was really hard!

The Plan for Week Nine:
Exercise every week day...adding 5 minutes more
Strength Training 2x

Replace more soda with Iced Tea
7 hours of sleep

No Fast Food
I took a look at my credit card statement.....and I broke out in a cold sweat! I am putting myself on a spending freeze for 3 weeks. I am allowed 1 shopping excursion per week (for fresh veggies and fruit) and that is it! No more Target, No more Internet purchases, No more runs to McDonalds and Starbucks. Connie has been a very bad girl!

Questions of the Week: Name your guilty pleasure. Think of a healthier choice you could use as a substitute.

I love Starbucks Latte's, the White Chocolate Variety. A good alternative is the Iced Coffee's from McDonalds because they only have 180 calories instead of 400. And even better alternative is to make my own Iced Coffee at home....where the only calories come from 2 tablespoons of cream that I throw in. I also love ice cream and there are lots of great alternatives from Weight Watchers and Skinny Cow.
Check out this post I wrote yesterday about what drives you to succeed at your goals.

I am UNPLUGGED from the internet, twitter, facebook and TV today so that I can spend a distraction free day with my family. I will be visiting everyone tomorrow!

Check back this week when I review a diet/cookbook that I just read.


  1. Don't worry about no lost poundage! You are doing great. Sticking with your workouts deserves a big WooHoo!! I think you're doing awesome!!

    I've been away from the computer also in an attempt to spend more time with the family :) It's nice to take a break once in awhile!

    xoxo ~Lisa

  2. Hi there,
    I'm sorry you didn't see the scale move - that's discouraging. But knowing you did all that exercise counts for something - give yourself credit for the good you did.

    I also think you're very wise to recognize how certain foods make you feel. It's a key part in learning how to feed our bodies correctly.

    I was just reading an article in Reader's Digest about gluten sensitivity and how many people suspect it in their own lives, but it's not quite as common as people think. However, it's still wise to look into food sensitivities or allergies. Keep it up.

    God bless your week!

  3. You didn't gain and that is great!!! Love fish and chips...YUM!!
    Have a wonderful day without the distractions!!! What a wonderful idea!

  4. Yay for the no gain, and even better that you're sticking to a work out every day! Woohoo! That is a major accomplishment in my book :)

  5. Good for you Connie. Have fun with your kids. Your plan looks great. I read a study linking sleep and losing weight, so it's good that you have been trying to get yours. I need to be better at that.

    Have a wonderful day!


  6. Connie,

    You didn't gain so that's great!! All the exercise will catch up with you. Hopefully next week.

    I ate fast food on Saturday too. We got it for the kids after baseball and I had a bite of everyone's. I didn't eat a whole anything but it was just wasted points and I was still hungry afterwards. I let myself get way too hungry and I was vulnberable. It did taste good though. :-)

    Good luck this week.

    Much love from NJ,

  7. Hang in there and remember don't judge yourself soley by what the stupid scale says! You may not have lost any weight, but you may have lost inches. (More important, I think...)

  8. Good job! Exercising everyday is a huge accomplishment. Sometimes it takes the scale a little while to catch up...but you'll get there!

    It's amazing how quickly the cost of fast food can add up! We have saved so much since cutting back!

    You're doing awesome...keep it up!

  9. I am sorry your in the same boat I am. Maybe it's a conspircy! Let me know if you do the cleanse.

  10. Great job for not gaining! And yay for the daily workouts! I love that you're increasing every week. That is great.

    I admire you for the spending freeze too. I cut back sometimes too. We eat out way too much. I need to cut back on that. Well, I'll be perfect this week, lol.

    Also, props for cutting back on the coffee. I agree making it at home is awesome! You can get those syrups that you put in the coffee, and you can get sugar free too. Try em!

    Can't wait to read your review.


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