Saturday, February 6, 2010

Day 9: The Martini Diet

Today's Weight: 192.6
Wednesday's Weight: 192
Released/Gain:  + .6 pounds

I've been up and down a pound all week.  After drinking three martini's while watching Grey's and Private Practice with my husband...I lost a pound.  Weird.  I'm thinking there is a Martini diet in my future but I can only have two martini's at a time because I've turned into a light weight. 

I'm 9 days into Phase 3 and I'm beginning to think there really is a reason why you can't lose more during this Phase.  I still don't know now why....but I've been trying and it's not working.  I've almost resigned myself to the fact that I will be doing a second round of hCG in a few weeks.  I'm dreading it....but I will have to do it to get to the weight I want.  I just hope that Bobbi's hCG is still good when I can do it again. *fingers crossed* 

We are going to the movies today.  My first movie going experience since beginning the protocol and I'm a little bummed that I won't be able to eat popcorn and candy....but I'm going to bring some almonds, cheese and water.  Have you seen The Princess and The Frog?  I think the kids will like it.

We grilled steaks last night and they were soooo good.  I almost don't miss eating at restaurants anymore because we made just as good, if not better food at home.  And I'm loving the turkey, avocado, provolone wraps I've been making for lunch.  Who knew I could survive without carbs.  

Have you watched Oprah from this week when Dr. Oz was on?  I watched it yesterday and I'm going to watch it again with my husband.  It was about Diabetes and the effect of sugar on the body.  It was eye opening!  I have some research to do and then I'm going to blog about.


  1. Sugar is crazy stuff - gives you wrinkles too! Doesn't stop me from eating it though :)

    Hang in there Connie. You're eating so much healthier now, that will be so beneficial for you - and your family!

  2. I can help you understand what high blood sugars do to your body. :-) My son with type 1 has no choice. Type 2 diabetics have MANY choices. Glad you're researching. Seriously. Let me know if I can help.

  3. Don't give up yet! You're doing so well. Interested to read about blood sugars. I'm rooting for you :)

  4. I know who Dr. Oz is but his show isn't aired here in Holland.

    Don't you just love Grey's and PP? I know I do. We're a few episodes behind on you so tell me: Are Sam and Addison a couple yet?

  5. Yeah, there's so much more to blood sugar problems than Diabetes. I talk a little bit about insulin resistance and what it causes the body to do in my very first entry on my weight loss blog. Insulin resistance is also known as metabolic syndrome, and Syndrome X. I'd love to hear what you find in your research. There are many people that think if they don't have Diabetes, then they mustn't have blood sugar problems...that's not always the case.

  6. The more I go without sweets the less they tempt me but movie popcorn....that sounds soooo good!

    Have fun at the show!

  7. Fran. Sam and Addison are trying to be a couple...but I'm not feeling it.

  8. Thanks for your comment. :) I will be posting more about this stuff in my blog. I need to sit down and get back into reading. Dr. Oz actually has a lot of great info about this in his book.

  9. With you all the way, I know you can do this. You're doing so well.
    Have a super Sunday - just done a 50 km cycle race and ready to hit the snooze button.


  10. Too bad, they're so cute together and Addie really needs a nice romance, she's not lucky finding the right one.

  11. Hmmm Martinis huh? You might be on to something there ;) You have far more willpower than I. I can't stay away from the sugar. I just love it so much. I'm looking forward to hearing what you have to say about it. Maybe you can help me cut back! :)

  12. hmmm I wonder if there is a rum and Coke diet...

  13. I just watched that Oprah segment again and it is freaking me out. That is why I want to do the HCG thing because I'm rockin' that belly fat and I have a diabetic parent and I had a 10 lb baby. All big diabetes factors. I know I would make a terrible diabetic, so I need to get this under control now.


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