Friday, February 19, 2010

Friday Fashion Motivation

Round 2, Day 7....21 Days Remaining

Starting Weight:            194 (+3.4 load weight)
Today's Weight
:            191.4

Yesterday's Weight:     192
Released:                        .6 pounds

Week One Released:    2.6 lbs (+3.4 load weight) 6 pounds total

I think I've turned a corner! I woke up refreshed, happy and not the least bit hungry. I feel like I could run around the block...or at the very least, finish my laundry today.

I tried on my size 12 jeans last night....and they are less tight than when I bought them. My 14's are getting baggy! I really still can't believe it....because I don't believe I've worn a 12 since high school.

A few months ago I used to do a Friday Fashion Motivation...posting an outfit that would motivate me through the weekend to stick to my diet. There is a store that I hope to finally shop in when I get to my goal weight and they happened to send me an email this morning. I found the outfit that I've always wanted to wear....and I will! I call this my PTA President Outfit.


This outfit can be purchased at Ann Taylor.

Have a great weekend!!


  1. Great outfit and congrats on the loss. Woohoo!!

    I'm more of a pants kind of girl. Wonder if that will change once I've reached goal weight.

    Have a super weekend. Enjoy!!


  2. Connie you are doing so well! That's awesome!! Super cute outfit, I love Ann Taylor and hope I can shop there someday, too. :o) Keep up the GREAT work!

  3. You are doing a great job, Connie!!

    I love the outfit.


  4. You will be the most beautiful PTA president EVAH in that outfit! Keep up the great work, I'm so happy for you!!

  5. I bet that feels great being in a 12 or 14! I can't wait until I'm there. I'm glad you have rounded the bend and are on a roll. Keep it up!

  6. Great job! You will rock the PTA!

  7. Sexy outfit...I have a pair of jeans hanging in the bathroom that I try on every week. Soon! Soon they will fit! You are doing great!

  8. The outfit is really cute but I got distracted over how skinny that model appears - eewww! I think you will look better in it you hot mama!

  9. She is pretty skinny huh? I will never look like that...just saying.

  10. You are doing so dang good girl! Love the outfit...Id wear it just around my house to sass myself up!


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