Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Raisinet Diet

Round 2, Phase 3...Day 8

(LIW):                     186
Today's Weight:     187
+/-  LIW                   +1 pound

TOM is playing tricks on me.  He shows up and then goes on a little trip somewhere and then pops back in when I have my back turned and my white pants on.  I suspect this is happening because I'm approaching my 40's at a rapid pace and the big M is just around the corner.

If you don't know what I'm talking about....I mean Menopause.  Which means a whole other set of body related issues.

I went to WalMart last night and I was really pleased that I didn't want any of my other usual snacks.  I did buy a bag of Raisinets to get me through the chocolate cravings of the next few days...since I have done research that suggests that Raisinets help you lose weight.

I'm trying to decide when to start my next round.  I have company (my Brother In Law) until Sunday and then my daughter's actual birthday is Tuesday  but we're celebrating on Saturday.  Maybe I'll just start Sunday.  I'm anxious to get this show on the road....and to get super serious and lose this last 20 pounds!


  1. Loved your walmart outfit! Raisninets ARE a little healthy, right?

  2. I am anxious to go to the movies and try your Raisinet diet for myself! Hope you have a great time with your BIL!


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