Friday, January 29, 2010

Day 1: 1st Day of the Rest of My Life

Today's Weight:      190.2
Yesterday's:            189.6
Gained:                   .6 pounds

I've been thinking.....

Most times when I say that out loud my husband backs away and tries to hide his wallet.  The problem, in his opinion is that I'm always thinking and planning and this upsets his apple cart that requires that everything stay exactly the same all the times.

If you have children and they watch The Imagination would recognize him as the character of NitNots.  If you aren't a children's show fan, I'll explain that NitNots is boring, wears beige everyday and doesn't like things that are too exciting. 

Calvin and I are proof that opposites attract.  I'm always analyzing, critiquing and planning (he'd say scheming) and I don't often like to follow the rules...I like to blaze my own trail.

And that is why I've decided not to follow the Phase 3 protocol and to do my own thing.  This may backfire.  I've looked at this a couple different ways and discussed it with Calvin, Bobbi and Jess.  I don't want to stabilize at this weight....and I really don't want to do the hCG again...if I can help it.

To maintain my weight...the calculator says that I need to eat 1947 calories a day.  I find this to be impossible since the smaller amounts of food that I became accustom to were filling me up.  Yesterday it was difficult for me just to eat 900 calories and I was full.  You'll notice that I gained .6 pounds, well...I'm having some issues of the bathroom variety...if you know what I mean.  Coming off from the hCG is messing with my system a little bit.

I really don't want to stretch my stomach back out with huge quantities of food.  I want to eat healthy and low carb (avoiding sugar and starch) and I'm going to start my exercise program finally. 

If this backfires and the hCG has truly made it impossible to lose on my own...I will do the hCG again.  But I feel like I have to try.  I don't want to become dependent on hCG for the rest of my  life every time I gain a little weight.  

I've re-read Pounds and Inches by Dr Simeons and I can't find that he explains WHY you must do exactly what he says.  He does mention a condition called hunger-edema, where your body retains fluids because of being on the verge of protein deficiency during the diet, once normal food is re-introduced.  He talks about adequate amounts of protein to combat this condition but doesn't say what amount is adequate. 

I frequent an hCG message board and when people ask about losing weight on your own after phase 2, they are firmly told to follow the protocol as instructed in Pounds and Inches and do not deviate. When I read these posts I feel like I'm in an episode of Seinfeld and in line for the Soup Nazi.  No one can explain WHY you must follow the plan.

I have to tell you that what I did eat yesterday...agreed with me so much.  I had so much energy and I felt so good!  We even went out to dinner and I used my iPhone App Lose it to make good choices and even thought the soup I ordered at RICE in it, I avoided it and just ate the liquid.  I loved my salad which I dipped in blue cheese dressing and enjoyed a single glass of wine. I slept really well and awoke refreshed.  

It's funny really, because about 3 days ago, I completely lost my craving for sugar. I've thought about baked goods and they don't sound good.  A salad with tomatoes and blue cheese sounds good.  A slice of avocado sounds lovely.  Eggs with some cheese on top...yum!  

Is it possible I've turned a corner?  One can only hope!


  1. I think it is certainly worth a try to see if you can do this on your own.

    That is so funny about Calvin being Nitnots. :)

  2. Blaze your own trail Connie. I followed the links you provided and couldn't find anything that truly lined out the dependency on Hcg for further weight loss. While not conclusive, I think that you'll be just fine following a calories in/calories out principle. And, I think that you can still have a relatively low calorie diet safely, e.g. 1200cals.

    You'll get there giving your body the time it needs to adjust.

  3. Ha, my husband is a stickler for NO CHANGE, too. It rocks his world. And I am just like you. If I rearrange the furniture he's all unsettled.

    I think it's good to keep lowcal and stuff. Why go back to eating much more if you are satisfied with less?

  4. Good for you Connie! I know you can do this on your own.

  5. hCG strikes an extreme "HOLY CRAP" fear in me- fear that if I cheat i'll be screwed. Fear that if I don't do it 'exaclty' the way I'm suppose to, I'll stay fat. I am not a fan of the way this stuff makes me feel, but it has forced me into a self-controlled place of eating what I need to eat to survive the day.

    Well- thanks for being the guneau pig on this subject... I'll be happy to see how it works.

  6. Sounds like a good plan! You can do it Connie!!


  7. You have absolutely turned a corner, in fact, corner after corner over the past few weeks. Of course, there will be ever so many corners to come, I imagine.
    You should be very proud of all that you lost so far and you are a healthier and happier person because of it. Good luck with your new plan. I am a big fan of doing something that feels right for you and is something that can just turn into regular life for you. Thanks for all of the inspiration.

  8. I LOVE that Lose It! app - it is great :) I know you can do it, Connie. And knowing you can is half the battle! Go for it!

  9. I definitely hope it works for you on your own. I hope that you can find your own balance, because the hcg would not be something you wanted to do forever!

  10. OMG I just blogged about this too!

    I think it's totally possible that we've turned a new corner and I think it's fabulous!

    Awesome job!

  11. No sugar and bread cravings? You're THERE!

    That is the ultimate step in a lifestyle change...when things that used to sound good (and bad for you) are replaced with things that used to not sound good (and are good for you)!

    Way to go!


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