Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Day 19: Apple Day

Today's Weight:    198.8
Yesterday's:           199.6
RELEASED:          -.8 pounds
Total Released:      13.8 pounds

Week One Released:     9.2  pounds   4.4 %
Week Two Released:    3     pounds   1.4%
Week Three Released:   1.6 pounds

I did an apple day yesterday because I thought I was stalled.  .8 pound loss over three days was not acceptable to me so I wanted to take some corrective measures.   I was confused about the stall because TOM came and went without much fanfare in two days....and then, he was back last night.  I don't know if he went on a quick trip  to Park City or what.  But...he's back.

I supposed TOM could be confused by the hCG in my body and thought I was pregnant and then went and thought about it and realized that I'm not having sex.  Yeah...poor me.  I made the mistake of telling Calvin that hCG is used to treat infertility and since I'm not infertile....he won't touch me.  That's how scared he is of having another little bambino.  Which really, I can't blame him because one of the one's we have now is wrecking havoc in our home.  I'm about to call the SuperNanny.


  1. Good job, Connie! I imagine TOM is confused... he's supposed to show up here any minute. I'm anxious for him to come and go too. Don't get discouraged, you're doing great!

  2. Great job on the loss. Poor confused TOM. LOL

  3. Oh no...confused TOM - that's a pain.

    I'm trying to work with a Reward Board/Star Chart system with the boys - I think I need one for myself just to make sure I stick with it. Every year new chart, new plan then 'bang'. Hmmmmm - I'm really going to try and stick with it this time. I'll let you know how it goes. Otherwise I'll be tracking down Super Nanny too :-))

    Hope you have a super day.


  4. You must be so SO excited :) And poor Calvin! lol! Keep going Connie! Now to see the 180's!!!!

  5. Too bad TOM couldnt just have stayed gone!

  6. You are rocking this diet!! I love keeping up with your tweets, and when I saw the apple day diet I was thinking that sounds like a pretty good day! YAY for you making it work. Can't wait to see your daily update!

  7. Woohoo! Good job, Connie! You are on a roll now :-)

  8. Sounds like that Apple Day worked for you! I need a magic bullet myself before week 2 weigh in on


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