Monday, January 18, 2010

Day 24:

Today's Weight:    195.4
Yesterday's:           196
RELEASED:        -.4 pounds
Total Released:      17 pounds

Week One Released      9.2 pounds   4.4  %
Week Two Released:    3 pounds      1. 4 %
Week Three Released:  4 pounds      2     %
Week Four Released:    .8 pounds

Hey everyone! I don't have much to say today...I know weird right!  I go see Dr. Cindi today but I'm not excited because it's snowing and it's a 45 mile drive and I don't like to drive in snow even though I drive a giant SUV (I'm a Republican, we're required to drive them). I just checked it's only 23 degrees.  The good thing is that it's a holiday and all the crazy people should be at home.

P.S. Bobbi quit the diet...she's eating cereal in front of me.

EDITED: Due to multiple accidents and a text from my husband that the roads are terrible....I'm not going to the doctor today.   


  1. Congrats on the release, and smart move on staying home!

  2. Glad you are staying home where it is safe! 17 pounds is amazing! You are more than halfway to your goal!

  3. Its rainy here today and I dont want to drive anywhere in it..let alone in snow!

  4. Big Congrats on getting out of the obese range! I look forward to the day when I can say that too! Nice work, girl.

  5. Lol ... I saw a giant, gas-hogging SUV on the highway the other day here in Seattle ... it actually had a bumper sticker on it that said something, "Carbon footprint for this vehicle offset or whatever it was.

    and it made me laugh.

  6. I hope your weather improves. I love your blog. I've been doing the weight loss thing since April 09' and have lost about 62 pounds. Now, I'm doing my own hcg thing.... I'm preggers, so the weight loss is now just trying to eat healthy and not eat everything in sight! Hey, I drive an suv 2!


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