Sunday, January 10, 2010

Day 16: Almost

Today's Weight:    200
Yesterday's:         200.4
RELEASED:         -.4 pounds
Total Released:      12.6  pounds

Week One Released:     9.2  pounds   4.4 %
Week Two Released:    3     pounds   1.4%
Week Three Released:    .4  pounds


I bought something at the health food store yesterday that I put on some chicken and it was awesome!  It's called Braggs Liquid Aminos All Purpose Seasoning.  It has zero calories and fat! 

This week, Kyle at Getting Better and Better talked about using cabbage instead of lettuce. Here's a recipe I tried this week that I think I'll make regularly when this is over.  I made enough for two meals and it reheated really well.

Mock Egg Roll

3.5 ounces of Chicken or Shrimp, cooked and diced
2-3 big cabbage leaves
1 cup shredded cabbage
1/8 teaspoon onion salt
1/8 teaspoon garlic powder
1/8 asian spices
1/2 package stevia

Steam big cabbage leaves (cut the bottom off the cabbage for easier leaf removal) for 5 minutes.  Move leaves to the side of steamer basket to make room for shredded cabbage.  Steam both for 5 minutes.  Remove shredded cabbage to a mixing bowl...add chopped chicken or shrimp and spices.  Mix and then wrap in a big cabbage leaf. 


  1. A loss during TOM is great!!!

    Yummy looking recipe!

  2. I'm SO frustrated! Let's cut your hair... REALLY short. :-)

  3. Thanks for the shout out! The recipe looks tasty!

    Scale'll be rocking it no matter what.

    You have set yourself for success and it'll continue to happen.

    Geting Better and Better

  4. Yum, that sounds delicious! I like your comment on my blog about the plates - we never use our dinner plates either and it is a big help in portion control! So glad for you that Bobbi is joining you. Let us know how it goes for her too!

  5. LOL @ Chris!

    You are almost there, Connie! I bet by tomorrow you are a 100-er!

  6. Are you freaking kidding me!? I swear it's a conspiracy. Your body is MEAN! :) Keep it up girl! Tomorrow! tomorrow! I'm so excited for you!

  7. Ohhhhhhhhh I'm so excited! Almost below 200! You're going to cross "the border" tomorrow I'm sure!

  8. This is your week to say bye bye to the 200's - so excited for you!!! I can't wait to see tomorrow's update :)

  9. I'm so excited for you. Say goodbye to the 200s!

  10. I agree with Fit Mommy, any loss during TOM is amazing! So, your body is challenging you, kinda like a stare-down (or am I dating myself here?). Keep stayin' true, it will happen!


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