Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Day 25: A Vlog

Today's Weight:    195.2
Yesterday's:           195.6
RELEASED:     -.4 pounds
Total Released:    17.4 pounds

Week One Released       9.2 pounds 4.4 %
Week Two Released:     3 pounds 1. 4 %
Week Three Released:   4 pounds 2 %
Week Four Released:     1.2 pounds

That's kind of disappointing.  But I didn't drink all of my water yesterday....today will be better!  Today...a little vlog of my last two dr appointments.  I did end up going yesterday because the roads improved and the sun was actually shining in Bountiful!


  1. Woohoo!! I love your accent. :-)) Tell me the secret to those shrinking boobs - I swear mine are going to punish me and be the last to shrink. LOL

    Exercise is always good. :-)) Cannot wait to hear what exercises you're doing.

    I'm heading to a Zumba class this evening. Fun times.

    Chat soon.


  2. I'm glad you GET to start exercising [don't say HAVE to]. Will be so good for you. You're doing fantastic!

  3. I can definitely see a change in your face....you look great!

  4. {accent? I didn't notice?}

    Oh Connie, I just ♥ you so much!! I totally felt like I was sitting right there with you, just chattin. I love listening to you talk. I wish we could hang out.

    You are so adorable!!

    P.S.--Did you hit a curb?? lol

  5. You are the ultimate multitasker!

    It will be interesting to see if exercise kicks up your progress a bit.

  6. You are too cute! Great job getting into the pants!

  7. I ♥ your vlogs so much! I really want to do one, but I'm scared...rejection freaks me out. What do you use to record your vlogs?

    Ok, back to the important stuff...you're doing AWESOME!!!! 19 pounds is flippin' fantastic! Way to go! Keep up the good work.

  8. I can see a HUGE difference in your face!!!! :)

  9. You look so wonderful, I am so proud of you - great exercise plan and a wonderful thing about getting into your pants.
    I love your vlogs, I like listening to you, it's just like Amber said, chatting with a friend.
    Keep up your great work.


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