Friday, January 1, 2010

Day 7: Happy New Year

Today's Weight:    204.2
Yesterday's:          205.6
LOSS:                   1.4 pounds
Total Loss:            8.4 pounds

Holy Crap!  Happy New Year to me!!

So this is becoming much, much easier.  I'm not hungry (accept at 1am when the crazy Mormons woke me up shooting fireworks and screaming and then my boy peed his bed) and I'm getting used to my meals.  I found some recipes that I'm going to try in the next two weeks that sound really good and last night....I made a chicken salad (minus mayo) with celery, apple and chicken.  It was GREAT!

You know what is irritating?  Making dinner for your family and watching them eat it while you eat your bowl of chicken salad.  I'm thinking of making them make their own meals for the remainder of this time.  Yeah....that probably won't fly.

My advice to Mom's who do this diet protocol....spend some time making and freezing lots of meals so you family can just defrost them and feed themselves.  Trust will be so worth it.

Happy New Year everyone!

In case you're wondering.....P2W1D7 means Phase 2, Week 1, Day 7



    How exciting!

    I'm super proud of you :)

  2. Congrats!! That is awesome Connie!

    I don't know if I could do it, cooking dinner for everyone and then having to eat something else.

    Hey, Biggest Loser starts again on Tuesday! That's always SO motivating!

  3. I'm glad you clarified what the letters and numbers stood for... I was lost! LOL

    That is so cool! 8.4lbs is like a whole baby! I try to visualize my weight loss so I can "see" what I really lost. Like when I hit 21 lbs, that's a bag of Fresh Step cat litter.

    Keep up the great work!

  4. I'm glad you're doing well. Sooner or later it will become a lifestyle and what everyone is eating won't seem as important. Although I can understand how frustrating it must be. Wishing you well.

  5. Oh my goodness! You've almost lost a dress size!! You are doing so well.
    I, on the other hand, have found the weight you lost this holiday season but today I start fresh (again).

  6. You're gonna be in one-derland in no time at all! :)

  7. Connie - I am so excited for you! Isn't it amazing? I had a bunch of friends do this and they have kept it off too!

    Yay! Keep up the great work!!


  8. Your dedication to the program that you are on is inspirational! I don't know if I could do it.

  9. Way to go! Yes happy New Year to you!! Woo HOO!!!!!!!

  10. Great job girl! It is tough to eat something different than your family for sure, I did that for a few months and had to quit. Now we are all eating the same healthy meals, they get to suffer, I mean eat well with me!


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