Monday, January 4, 2010

Day 10: Detox

Today's Weight:    202.2
Yesterday's:         202.9
LOSS:                 .7 pounds
Total Loss:           10.4 pounds

Week One Loss: 9.2 pounds 
Week Two Loss:   .7 pounds

Brandi's comment scared the heck out of me yesterday! You will NOT find me cheating again! No Sir! I think I learned my lesson....why go through all of this to mess it up!

To try to make up for what I did Saturday....I did a detox day. I took a detox bath (2 cups baking soda and 2 cups epsom salt), drank detox tea and had Bobbi give me a massage. It was great (the massage) and I think I'm going to make ask Bobbi to get her massage table out more often!

I've decided to throw away the candy bars so that they don't temp me anymore.  And the chocolate chips and powdered sugar in the pantry.  Once this is over those things won't be getting used anymore so why keep them.  Plus, my family doesn't need them either.

Today I see Cindi at Wade Laser Clinic for my 10 day check up.  I'm excited to see where my fat percentage is and what that scale says about my weight.

Have a great day!


  1. You are doing great Connie. 9 pounds lost in one week! Way to Go! Are you keeping track of your measurements? I always find that shows me more than the scale does.


  2. I had to go read Brandi's comment! She's probably right. :-) I'm glad you feel better after the detox day. Will be good for you to check in with your Dr. You've almost broken 200!

  3. Lisa, I just took my measurements this morning and will post them tomorrow.

    Chris, I see Cindi every 10 days to check my progress. I might get a spanking for cheating.....

  4. Good job on throwing out the bad stuff! Over ten lbs!! WOO HOO!!

  5. Hey Barbi! I did my happy dance for that this morning!

    10 POUNDS! WOOT!

  6. LOL, I read her comment yesterday. Since your diet plan is so tedious (with the restrictions on make up even!)it sounds like she's right. Probably isn't safe to cheat even a little. It's probably good that you got it out of your system and are moving forward motivated and scared straight.

    Your weight is dropping fast, WOW! You've lost more than me now and I have been on my diet since Dec. 1. I'm so jealous over here!

  7. You are doing amazing! I could never be so successful on anything that restrictive, you are inspiring!

  8. Connie - you are doing awesome! How did you appointment go? You should take a picture of yourself in the same bathing suit or workout clothes each day and then put it all together at the end. It would be so cool! Just think how different you look now compared to when you started!


  9. It's like the weight is just falling off, you lucky dog! Stay motivated even if your pace slows down! You are doing it :)


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