Thursday, January 14, 2010

Day 20: Like an Old Lady

Today's Weight:    198
Yesterday's:           198.8
RELEASED:          -.8 pounds
Total Released:      14.6 pounds

Week One Released:     9.2  pounds   4.4 %
Week Two Released:    3     pounds   1.4%
Week Three Released:   2.4 pounds

YAY!  Going in the right direction today!

TOM is still here...dang it.  But at least he's not stopping me from losing.  I was really stressed out yesterday and craved chocolate so badly I thought I might break.   What is it about stress that makes me crave sweets?  Is it a natural occurrence or have I trained myself to crave it?

Today is my next 10 day appointment with Cindi at Wade's Laser Clinic and I'm hoping their silly scale tells me that I'm younger than last time.  It was still saying I had the body of a very, very old woman that should be in a home for wayward seniors.  I told Bobbi to check it with a skinny person in her office and she said a 24 gal came in the other day and it was correct.  Which means I have the body of a old wayward, white haired woman.  Maybe that's why those denture and hoveround commercials are interesting to me.....

Have a great day...and thanks for sticking with me!


  1. I missed it, your out of the 200's! Congrats that is proud of you!

  2. You're doing a fantastic job! No doubt that number will start to creep down, too.

  3. That scale will drop like a rock once TOM is gone!

  4. Lol, am I the only one that has the song to those commercials in my head??

    "You make me love you"

    "I'm Tom Cruise, inventor of the Hoveround." LOL

    Congrats on the weight loss! You're getting younger everyday! We'll just call you Benjamin Buttons.

  5. Benjamin Buttons, lol.

    I hope you find out your are younger! Keep us posted :-)

  6. How does a scale tell you that you are old?

  7. Cravings, yes...but much more fleeting anymore. More like a thought "hmmm..wouldn't that taste good right about now", but I just consider the affects. I've rewarded myself over and over with food instead of health. That thought is what keeps me on track.

    You are doing fab!

  8. You are doing great! I crave sweets only when TOM is around otherwise I just crave food

  9. Ooo. I can use that hoveround right now. Lunchtime food gnawing made me tired.

  10. Okay. I have got to read more. I am interested. I weigh what you weighed when you started. Congrats. Hopefully you have a great diet plan that doesn't zap your energy. I only seem to lose when I cut out carbs....totally. But then I must have a multiple b vitamin injection to keep going.

  11. So proud of you for resisting chocolate AND wine! There's no stopping you now...

  12. Lol! The hoveround :) too funny!

    You crave chocolate because it releases endorphins in the brain & makes you feel good. Chocolate is the first thing I reach for when the kids get me stressed out. Guess we need to find a lower calorie way of releasing endorphins ;)

  13. Exercise! That releases endorphins AND curbs hunger and cravings. Simple and natural. I have to get an exercise tape or two...any suggestions?

  14. It's Friday... I'm waiting... :-)


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