Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Day 26: Stomach...don't fail me now!

Today's Weight:    194.4
Yesterday's:           195.2
RELEASED:      -.8 pounds
Total Released:     18.2pounds

Week One Released       9.2 pounds 4.4 %
Week Two Released:     3 pounds 1. 4 %
Week Three Released:   4 pounds 2 %
Week Four Released:     2 pounds

I had a rough day yesterday! Around 2pm, I started getting really bad stomach dinner time there was no way I was interested in eating the cod I had thawed out for dinner and all of my usual comfort foods were not on plan.  I thought maybe my stomach was turning on me....this diet is the worst thing to do if you are sick. 

I ended up just eating some strawberries and drinking some tea. I feel great this morning so it must have just been a temporary bug or that apple cider vinegar I drank yesterday didn't agree with me.

I'm off to do my exercises.....


  1. Oh my goodness. I totally had forgotten you took that ACV. It can definitely cause some upchucking. I'm not sure why but it happened to me and other people I know too.

  2. Glad you're feeling better this morning. My kids have struggled with a stomach virus. Wash your hands. :-) Great job!

  3. Barbi....I bet that's what the problem's supposed to help you lose more weight...and I did. But I don't think it's worth the pain I was in last night.

    Chris...I go to the bathroom 50 times a day...and I'm running out of hand soap! I've even trained my son to fetch toilet paper.

  4. Sick, apple cider vinegar to drink??

    Stomach cramps are the worst. Glad you are better today!

  5. How much ACV did you drink? I think I would have thrown up on the spot! Kind of curious about the plan you're following and how it differs from others.

  6. I put 2tbsp in a shot glass with some water and I couldn't get it all down and nearly threw up. It was horrible. I don't know how people do it everyday....

  7. I was going to do the ACV before to and just the smell made me want to hurl....glad you are feeling better today

  8. Sorry for your illness...glad you are back on your feet.

  9. Why am I thinking that this comes in capsule/pill/tablet form. If it does, I'd rather be taking it that way than drinking it :-))

    Glad you're feeling better.


  10. Glad you're feeling better. and congrats on an awesome loss last week!


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