I'm really excited about the new Bravo show called Thintervention with Jackie Warner! I decided to take notes while I'm watching in case something important happens that I want to remember.
Jeana, 54 , Unhappy with her weight and her family disapproves of her.
Stacy 23, Comedian....loves food and has PCOS.
Nikki, 39, is a Life Advisor, loves cocktails and smoking.
Bryan, 36, runs a film company...and he's gay. A chubby gay. Hides food all over the house.
Joe, 35, loves cheeseburgers and banging hot girls. Likes to flirt but doesn't have sex because of how he looks.
Shannon, 22, a college student and is unable to resist food.
Kim, 47, used to be an athlete and fitness model.
Mandy, 48, loves to take baths with her husband and is a stay at home mom. Loves food and finishes her kids food. Kids call her a scavenger.
Homework: Clear all sugar from the house. Brain is addicted. Cranky for a few days and then you won't want it anymore.
Anything with over 5g of sugar has to go. And No alcohol for the alkie.
They each get a blackberry so that they can log their food and Jackie can get ahold of them at any time.
Alkie loves her drinks to death.
They get text message from Jackie that they have to walk, run or crawl 2 miles in the morning.
(commercial break...I go to the pantry and my kids cereal both has more than 5g of sugar per serving and my favorite Quaker Chewy Granola Bars have 7g. I'm afraid to look any further.)
Jackie is on Jeana's doorstep....and she's about to find out that she has a chef that is making her food.
2 eggs
Cottage Cheese
Free Range Chicken
Meals should contain a meat and a veggie.
2 giant things of water with a dash of lemon juice in it to help burn fat and detoxify liver!.
Jackie goes to Mandy's house to check on her and finds that she has baked a bunch of treats. Claims that she's going to give it away. Purpose was to change how she thinks about sugar.
Needs to give kids berries or apples to show love instead of treats.
Makes Mandy do sprints and push ups and jumping jacks for her workout. She's about to die after 10 minutes.
Jackie goes to Bryan's house to check on his cupboards and we find out he ate two cookies. He had to kiss the sugar goodbye. She brought him two cookies and shows him it's 140 calories and she's going to make him carry the cookies while he runs up and down the stairs.
Cookies are pain!!
(commercial break...I'm going to throw away my granola bars....and the rest of the pop tarts)
Laguna...on the beach for today's workout in surf and sand. Jackie says that Nikki isn't taking this seriously. 50 crunches on the
fitness beach ball....but first they have to blow them up. Something tells me Nikki won't be able to blow because of her smoking problem.
Feel the burn! Belly crawl in the sand,
Wedgie in the front is a Veggie. Flipping tires across the beach. Nikki's kicking ass! Oops...now Nikki is laying in her tire.
Nikki wants to do something hideously unladylike and smack Jackie. She's tells them they are saving their own lives.
Jeana invites Joe, Bryan and Nikki back to her house to eat food prepared by her chef.
Bryan is jealous of Jeana's house and money. Joe is afraid that Jeana wants to date him and they make fun of Nikki for being a Life Advisor that works for free. Jeana says that Nikki is pretty well fed for being underemployed and she finds her mysterious.
(commercial...I'm going to get a glass of water and think about throwing away all of my soda. Lord Help ME!)
Jackie sneaks into Nikki's house and starts going through her fridge. It's full of alcohol. She tells Nikki that she has to take care of herself.
Group therapy and Weigh In Time!
Dr. Ramini wants to know why they think they are overweight. The reasons range from having cancer to emotional holes in their souls.
(commercial break...thinking about going for a walk in the morning and what I'm going to wear.)
Stacy...starting weight 224... lost 7 pounds...or a small puppy.
Bryan...starting weight 259, lost 7 pounds
Jeana...starting weight 174....lost 4 pounds.
Joe...starting weight 230....lost 10 pounds.
Mandy....starting weight 167 ... lost 5 pounds.
Shay...starting weight 204...lost 5
Kim...starting weigh 180...lost 9 pounds.
Nikki....starting weight 223....lost 6 pounds.